Robot arm mimics human arm

Hi I started a project a while ago of a Robotic arm that copies my arm. I followed this guys instructional videos and schematics to a T and no luck.

I have the same components as him and sensors the only thing different is the servos I'm using which arm temporary for now and I'm also using a bread board when he used a soldering board. Everything I have based this website I have listed above including the video. I will also leave a picture of the schematics I'm following and a picture of my setup along with coping the code to this forum so you dont have to download it. I also changed one thing on his code.

At a part in the code it says this Adafruit_PWMServoDriver pwm = Adafruit_PWMServoDriver(0x40);
But I kept getting an error so I changed it to this Adafruit_PWMServoDriver pwm = Adafruit_PWMServoDriver();

The code compiled but nothing works. I dont know if this line of code messed everything up but it didn't compile before. He also has a test servo code which works its only the actual robot arm code that doesn't work. The code made to run the servos and to mimic the human arm has two other codes next to it which are Gyro.h and Matrix.h which are next to each other at the top of the code in Arduino IDE like shown in the attachment below. I also did not download Gyro.h or Matrix.h I dont know if there is a download in GitHub but a compiling error never showed with it. I have been at it for weeks and really need help on this because I have no clue what else will work at this point please help. If you need anymore information let me know and I will get it to you. Anything will help and all the attchments for right now are below. The code is also attached.

I really need help I am so close.

Thanks in advance.


Gyro.h (2.42 KB)

Matrix.h (3.75 KB)

RobotArm.ino (6.66 KB)

I'm also using a bread board when he used a soldering board.

Bread boards can't handle the large currents required for motors and servos -- the tracks will burn.

You need to solder or use screw terminals with all motor and motor power supply connections.

I'm using a PWM servo driver and I dont think the current goes through the bread board. I also have a micro USB connected to the WEMOS D1 MINI WIFI Arduino board powering the servos. Is the current flowing through the bread board still.

Thank You

You need a strong enough motor power supply that connects directly to the servos. I.e. a power rail for + and - throughout the arm, with - also connected to Arduino or PWM shield Gnd.

I recommend ditching the code from the project for now.
Run the examples that come with the adafruit library.
Confirm that you can make the servos move using their code. That will show that your wiring is all accurate.
After that, you can troubleshoot the code from the project.
But take small steps and check your wiring first.