ROBOT arm?

i was thinking about making a robot arm. i do understand servos and who they get wired/controled but i don't really know were to start on teh arms hardware and since this will be my first arm or reallly any major servo project i don't fully see how i would mount the servos. so are there any turtorials out there? or any kits for robot arms?(yes i did use google before i get yelled at and told to use google...)

Plenty of kits. here are a few:

the lynxmotion one is nice IMHO

LYNXMOTION! They have great "servo erector sets" that are perfect for servo arms and joints and the like. The link takes you to the page that has erector set and servo links.
If you check out my website, you can see that the robot I'm currently building has lynxmotion servos and pieces that form the robot's "neck" :slight_smile:

Oh by the way the erector set peices are kind of do-it-yourself pieces. This link take you to the lynxmotion robotic arm kits which are nicely put into (expensive) kits

hmmm i guess i should have said under $100(USD) btw how hard would it be to interface an arduino to doesn't seem like it would be to hard. btw thanks for the links :slight_smile: