I am trying a build a robot for a robowar competition in my college.I am a complete noob!
This is what i am thinking:-
Operating 4 High torque 500+ RPM motors using wired controllers (later upgradeable to wireless controller)
At least 2 weapons one cutter and other a hammer or flipper (or both).
Option 1:
Arduino Uno R3 + motor shields (not sure how many motor shields can be added)
Option 2:
Use this board . See image!
This board already have a l293D on port C will add another l293D on port C to control 4 motors.
Adding another L293D on port B(removing lcd) to control weapons.
I have no idea on how to make a wired controller.
P.S. Motors are 500+ rpm geared motor with 0.6A and 12v rating.