Robot/Scheme assembly and how it's usually done

Hello there. After four months of periodical training I was able to understand basic things that can be done with Arduino (sensors, motors, LEDS and other things). By this moment I have been able to create a digital clock which I can set and which goes with RTC. My next question is how I can possibly make a pack/body for all those wires and items (I have Arduino UNO (it's going to be Nano to save some space), mini breadboard, RTC module, remote control, buzzer, IR sensor, LCD display and 9V battery and a bunch of wires that connect all those mentioned components). I can't work with 3D printer yet. Should I? Are there any services that may help to pack all that for money? For example, I want to make a gift for someone which I would make with my own hands, but it's not packed and I can't do that. How is it usually done?

Here is a screenshot.

Hello fixer_84

Either you take a wooden box for index cards. This box is easy to work with normal tools. Or you visit a maker shop to get some idea about 3D printing of housings.

I 3D print all of my housings. This is a drag race game.

paulpaulson, thank you very much for your reply. I will definitely regard those two options.

groundFungus, thank you very much for your reply too. Would you please tell if it is difficult to learn how to work with 3D printer from scratch?

I did not find it difficult, but i am mechanically inclined and there are a lot of resources on line to help with learning. I built my printer from a kit so had a better idea of how it worked.

You will also need to learn 3D modeling.

groundFungus, I see. Thank you for your advice about 3D modeling. And, maybe, I should do the same with the kit.

Kits are generally less expensive than ready biult printers. A downdide is that the less expendive kits msy not have festures of the resdy built printers. Things like auto bed level, filament sensors, multi extruders.

Hi. Sorry to repeat @fixer_84 question, but to what detail would you measure robot devices for a right-sized enclosure (as a beginner)? Is sketchup (trimble) good enough to start 3D models? (I have used ready-made files, sized them and sliced them, but making an original to scale is new.)

To do the custom 3D models I use FreeCad cause it is free and open source.

My brother loves Blender, but I can't get it.

Lots of alternatives.


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