Hello my dear friends
I need to detect the angle accurately with rotary encoder (10 bit resolution). but there is two type of encoder Serial and parallel .
the serial one uses SSI communication , how to connect it to Arduino(SSI) ? and what is the easier to work with Arduino parallel or serial ? .
SSI(Synchronous Serial Interface).
Thank you to anyone who is trying to help me
Look at the column "output type"
Which one is SSI?
Perhaps you mean something other than Rotary Encoder?
Based on your description, you are looking for something other than a rotary encoder.
The word encoder doesn't lead to one type of solution, there's a lot of possibilities here.
My best guess is that you are looking for an absolute angle encoder, and that's a whole new can of worms.
See the pictures in that link ?
Some of those discs form a gray code, which means any position within the resolution will give you an unique bit pattern at the output.
That means you can determine the absolute angle immediately without having to find a reference point first.
If you decide to go for 10 bit parallel interface, you'll run out of pins real soon using an Uno.
yes is absolute rotary encoder single turn (10 bit resolution) but there is two types of this encoder parallel out put and serial out put . I want to use the serial out put (SSI)
I need to know ,how to connect it to Arduino and what is the codes .
After briefly viewing the link you supplied, i saw that that page tells you how to connect it, how to read the data and some information about how this thing works.
It is a magnetic sensor, and it sends information in case the magnetic field is disturbed.
It sends its data through shift out, so i guess you should research shift in (click!) for your Arduino.
It sends 16 bits of data 500 nano seconds after you put pin CS LOW.
These 16 bits contain your 10 bits value and some status bits.
Seems to be a nice potentiometer replacement, but it'll cost a bit more.
Thank You MAS3
Please do not send me PMs asking for off forum advice, i will not answer that.
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the encoder has 5 wires , I believe the Black and White are for voltage supply , but what is the other wire rules, I mean there is no bin configuration , actually I use Arduino Mega but if I use Parallel output encoder , Is that easier for me ?
The link shows a photograph of such encoder.
That photograph clearly shows the wires and their functions, it is printed on the encoder.
But pay attention, it is a plug that can be put in reverse on the unit, which may destroy it.
During this project, you should learn to meticulously find and use information given, and probably how to recognise it.
Black and white are not for voltage supply as you stated.
Red is 5 volts supply,
Black is GND (supply),
Blue is !CS (Chip Select, active LOW),
White is CLK, serial Clock, and
Brown is DO, serial Data Out.
Using a Mega means you'll have a lot more pins you can use.
You might get a little better performance by grabbing the bits yourself, but i'm not sure the data you'll get that way also has the error bits in them.
Because of the way larger number of wires to connect, an error in that is more likely to occur during that.
On the other hand, having all these wires and learning about their functions might be helpful in learning how this stuff works.
My personal choice would be to use this serial one though, because of the easier way to connect it to your Arduino.