got rotary phone and computer talking. numbers are working great. now how do make a passcode THIS IS DRIVING ME NUTS!!!!!! very new to arduino could really use some guidance
thanks in advance......
The problem is in the code you didn't post.
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Ok, thanks for info. New to this. You can probably tell!
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You should see "quick edit" near the bottom-right of your own posts.
The best way to do this might be to look at all the passcode examples online which use a keypad. They often seem to have a function which waits for the next key to be pressed and returns the value of that key. Try to wrap your rotary code into a rotary() function that just returns the number. Then paste it into a keypad example and change every keypad.getKey() into rotary().
The posted code does not compile. At the very least, it is missing
at the end.
i think that }was the only problem. not looking for the code to be checked. just looking for a way to make a pass/code. if you know a way to do this that would be greatly appreciated.
int needToPrint = 0;
int count;
int in = 2;
int lastState = LOW;
int trueState = LOW;
long lastStateChangeTime = 0;
int cleared = 0;
int code = 789;
int relay = 7;
// constants
int dialHasFinishedRotatingAfterMs = 100;
int debounceDelay = 10;
void setup()
pinMode(in, INPUT);
pinMode(relay, OUTPUT);
void loop()
int reading = digitalRead(in);
if ((millis() - lastStateChangeTime) > dialHasFinishedRotatingAfterMs) {
// the dial isn't being dialed, or has just finished being dialed.
if (needToPrint) {
// if it's only just finished being dialed, we need to send the number down the serial
// line and reset the count. We mod the count by 10 because '0' will send 10 pulses.
Serial.print(count % 10, DEC);
needToPrint = 0;
count = 0;
cleared = 0;
if (reading != lastState) {
lastStateChangeTime = millis();
if ((millis() - lastStateChangeTime) > debounceDelay) {
// debounce - this happens once it's stablized
if (reading != trueState) {
// this means that the switch has either just gone from closed->open or vice versa.
trueState = reading;
if (trueState == HIGH) {
// increment the count of pulses if it's gone high.
needToPrint = 1; // we'll need to print this number (once the dial has finished rotating)
lastState = reading;
//now i'm wondering if i can use the int.count
// use another int. call it passCode = 789
// if passcode=count
//turn on relay
//or something of this nature
The posted code does not compile. At the very least, it is missing}
at the end.
I'm sorry but up to post #8, WHAT code?
Or has a post with the code been REMOVED?
Yes, an entire post has been deleted. (Maybe more than one?)
Spacewhistle2, did you try looking at the keypad examples?
Your code in reply #8 looks the same as what I remember from earlier. Have you had any opportunity to try to extract the core of it into a function?