Rotate 180 character on 16x2 LCD

Plz, don't byte me if this question show up regularly. I've been diging up LiquidCristal library, but can't find any proof that is even possible? I know some big graphical display support rotation , in order to relax installation requirements, what about common 16x2, does it support 180 rotation?

No, the controller in the LCD does not provide that.

With the creatChar function, you can create 8 characters. So you can make 8 upside-down characters.

If you use only numbers, you could have all numbers upside-down, since '0' and '8' already being upside-down

To add a little to Erdin's reply:

In general the LCD library provides operations at the character level, not the pixel level. Erdin does note the limited exception to this - using the LCD library you can create 8 characters at the pixel level. You're limited to 8 characters not by the library but by the 44780 capability.

In the thread "Manual control of LCD with switches" in this Forum Pedro provides a link to an explanation of LCD usage. Table 3 at this site shows the standard LCD character set. It's the "standard" LCD character set because other variants are available to suit other languages and applications. If you could provide a large quantity buy, you could have the LCD programmed to your own character set.

Depending on what you're trying to accomplish, you may be able to find characters in the standard LCD character set that look similar to a few inverted characters. For example, "C", "E" and "4". If your intent is only to provide the illusion of rotating characters, you might to able to use selected characters to simulate rotating.

Thanks guys, it's confirm what I've read over i-net. Was hoping there is some "tricks", that I missed. I have a few ideas for LCD trend / chart / bargraph representation for this project:
where 16 pattern / characters necessary, for now I implemented just 8. I don't need high speed for application, update rate only 1 times / 2 hours, though I'm thinking to generate new character every time, what I understand custom characters stored in RAM, so there is no wearing doesn't matter how often you re-write this section?

Sure, you can create your own characters for every update of the display.
But you are limited to only 8 characters. That bar graph shows a good use of the custom characters.