Hey guys, first post here!
End of semester's coming up, and I've been doing pretty well this semester learning the different uses of the Arduino UNO boards. Our last project is to make a Rover 5 (using Arduino's motorsheild and GY-521), to navigate through an obstacle course, drive up a ramp, stop at the top of the ramp, and drive back down to the ground.
We are supposed to use the following:
Arduino UNO board
Rover 5
Arduino GY-521 (Arduino Playground - MPU-6050)
Simple 3-prong ping sensor
LED's for flashing at top and bottom of ramp to signify level ground.
So here are my issues:
- Last weeks lab had us just moving the rover through an obstacle course, and I did this using relays on my turns (which I now know is inefficient since the battery life will be changing, etc). But on this lab, he wants us to use encoders, which I have no clue how to use or manipulate through code to get a 90 degree left or right turn.
- My GY-521 isn't soldered yet, and in fact I'm not sure where I'm supposed to solder it to.
- I also haven't had experience using the GY-521. We have a grad assistant for a lab teacher, and he wants us to look everything up on our own. Which is fine if we didn't have full course loads in every other class. not to mention the non-lab section of our robotics class. (/rant)
I understand the various functions of controlling the Rover 5's speed, wheel direction, brakes, etc.. but as far as the encoders and gyro go, I'm clueless..
I'm looking for any information that might help me write this code I've got about 4 days
Thanks for any and all help 8)