RP2040 Feather SCK pin doesn't have 3v for mini TFT display

Am I suppose to have voltage on the SCK pin?

It looks like I have everything hooked up correctly. My display requires 3-5 vdc from logic pins but when I put my Multimeter on that pin there is nothing.

Trying to make the Mini Gif player Project.
I have the code complied and sent with one gif on the root drive.
Serial monitor shows proper activity with no errors
Display only shows a black screen (it is powered on)

You can't measure the voltage of the SCK pin with a multimeter!

You need a 'scope for that.

Unless -- you can make a "pulse detector"
monostable multivibrator

It looks like you mixed up logic pins with power source. You cannot power your display via logic pins.
Please show a full diagram of your connections