RP2040 MbedOS Crash Dump

I'm trying to read an array of HX710's. As soon as I upload to PICO it crashes. What could be causing this?

++ MbedOS Fault Handler ++

FaultType: HardFault

R0   : 20041F00
R2   : 20041EFC
R3   : 6B36D3FC
R4   : 00000001
R5   : 200005F8
R6   : 20000B8C
R7   : 20041F00
R8   : 00000000
R9   : 4B32B500
R10  : 00000000
R11  : 00000000
R12  : 6B36D3FC
SP   : 2000A6F8
LR   : 1000690B
PC   : 1000CAC8
xPSR : 41000000
PSP  : 2000A6D8
MSP  : 2003FFC0
CPUID: 410CC601
Mode : Thread
Priv : Privileged
Stack: PSP

-- MbedOS Fault Handler --

++ MbedOS Error Info ++
Error Status: 0x80FF013D Code: 317 Module: 255
Error Message: Fault exception
Location: 0x1000CAC8
Error Value: 0x2000A7A4
Current Thread: main Id: 0x20002650 Entry: 0x10006931 StackSize: 0x8000 StackMe
For more info, visit: https://mbed.com/s/error?error=0x80FF013D&osver=61700&corO
-- MbedOS Error Info --

Im using the code below from the HX710 library examples.

#include "HX710Array.h"


const int PD_SCK = p12;
const int DOUT0 = p16;
const int DOUT1 = p17;
const int DOUT2 = p18;
const int DOUT3 = p19;



HX710Array ps;

void setup() {
    SerialUSB.begin( 115200 );
    int douts[] = { DOUT0 , DOUT1 , DOUT2, DOUT3 };
    ps.initialize( PD_SCK , 3 , douts );


void loop() {
    int32_t value0, value1, value2, value3 ;
    while( !ps.isReady() );
    ps.readAndSelectNextData( HX710_DIFFERENTIAL_INPUT_40HZ );
    value0 = ps.getLastDifferentialInput( 0 );
    value1 = ps.getLastDifferentialInput( 1 );
    value2 = ps.getLastDifferentialInput( 2 );
    value3 + ps.getLastDifferentialInput( 3 );
    SerialUSB.print( value0 );
    SerialUSB.print( "\t" );
    SerialUSB.print( value1 );
    SerialUSB.print( "\t" );
    SerialUSB.println( value2 );
    SerialUSB.print( "\t" );
    SerialUSB.println( value3 );

    SerialUSB.print( "differential input of ADC0 (40 Hz): " );
    SerialUSB.println( value0 );
    SerialUSB.print( "differential input of ADC1 (40 Hz): " );
    SerialUSB.println( value1 );
    SerialUSB.print( "differential input of ADC2 (40 Hz): " );
    SerialUSB.println( value2 );
    SerialUSB.print( "differential input of ADC3 (40 Hz): " );
    SerialUSB.println( value3 );

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