RP2040 updating RTC from httpserver

Hi everyone, I am using raspberry pi pico with Arduino ide. I want to make http request to server then I want to take date and time from servers response. With this date and time, I want to update RTC. I am using this libraryexample . Here is my code ;

// To be included only in main(), .ino with setup() to avoid `Multiple Definitions` Linker Error
#include <Timezone_Generic.h>             // https://github.com/khoih-prog/Timezone_Generic

// Example set at 05:00:00 Fri 21 Jan 2022 UTC or 00:00:00 Fri 21 Jan 2022 EST
datetime_t currTime = { 2022, 06, 07,05, 17, 30, 36 };
char buf[32];
void setup()
  // Start the RTC
void displayTime(){
  // Display time from RTC
  DateTime now = DateTime(currTime);
  time_t utc = now.get_time_t();
  sprintf(buf,"%.2d-%.2d-%.2d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d",year(utc),month(utc),day(utc),hour(utc),minute(utc),second(utc));

void loop()
EthernetClient      client;
EthernetHttpClient  httpClient(client, serverAddress, port);
String path = "/tryingtoget/time";
String response = httpClient.responseBody();
StaticJsonDocument<200> doc;
deserializeJson(doc, response);
String date = (const char*)doc["date"];

After this htt request code, I am parsing date to int16_t. And then I am trying to use those values inside datetime_t currTime like this ;

  currTime = { i_year, i_month, i_date, i_hour, i_minute, i_second };

But I can't define currTime inside function or something. I always need to identify this currTime top of the code. So is there a way to update my RTC ?

I have no clue what your problem is.

But: The RP2040 has no network hardware on-chip. It might help to tell us what hardware you're using (wiring diagram).

Above code shows a sketch and an excerpt of some other code. Post the complete code you're working with!

Thank you. Sorry for late reply. Turns out, I could set the datetime in function with this code:

unsigned long epoch = 1654860535;
void setup()
  while (!Serial && millis() < 5000);


  // Start the RTC
  time_t epoch_t = epoch;
void displayTime()

  // Display time from RTC
  DateTime now = DateTime(currTime);

  time_t utc = now.get_time_t();
  sprintf(buf,"%.2d-%.2d-%.2d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d",year(utc),month(utc),day(utc),hour(utc),minute(utc),second(utc));
void loop()

but I need to use epoch time, I couldn't find the set the datetime with char array , example (15:12:35 211/07/2022). This code use epoch time unsigned long epoch = 1654860535; which is equal , 2022 11:28:55 AM .

DateTime has several constructors defined, you don't have to use the one which uses the epoch input.

For example there is one that uses interger values for all data:
DateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second);

Parsing a string value to get these values is rather painful and error prone, so if you use constants anyway, use above constructor.

thank you.

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