Hi everyone, hoping you can provide a bit of advice on an issue im having.
Currently using an arduino hooked up to a car to count pulse timing, and calculate frequency to determine rpm. The signal then activates a set of relays at a desired rpm which will be connected to solenoids to activate a VVL system.
Coding wise the arduino works flawlessly and switches the solenoids correctly. However i am having a problem that the relays are highly succeptable to noise from other relays, i.e wipers, indicators, headlights and trigger themselves.
Ive tried powering the system from a battery separate to the car, and also tried isolating the relays from the arduino altogether.
I am very limited in my electrical knowledge and wonder if anyone could shed any light on what i could do to fix this issue?
You could give enough information so we have at least some chance of helping you. Read the "please read" post for tips. Especially the section "15. More tips ..."
I doubt the relays are triggered accidentally by interference. It takes a lot of current to activate a relay coil. However, there is probably a transistor somewhere in your circuit switching the relay coil. Perhaps that is being triggered by the interference? Its hard to say...
Welcome to the forum.
Please read the first post in any forum entitled how to use this forum.
http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php/topic,148850.0.html then look down to item #7 about how to post your code.
Can you please post a copy of your circuit, in CAD or a picture of a hand drawn circuit in jpg, png?
Can you also post a picture of your project so we can see your component layout?
Thanks.. Tom..