RS-485 Stepper Motor Interface


I have JVL stepper motor that requires RS-485 to talk to the motor (send it position commands etc). From what I've read RS-485 is a differential balanced line over a twisted pair, and can connect hundreds of devices (max range of 1200m). I see that it requires a termination resistor on the last device. I know Arduino has TTL, I2C, and SPI (but no RS-485), my question is what is the easiest or best way to communicate with this device? Is there any good Arduino shield / libraries that can directly convert TTL to RS-485.

Below is the link of the stepper wiring diagram, has anyone tried to talk to one of these devices?

I am thinking of using something like this SparkFun Transceiver Breakout - RS-485 - BOB-10124 - SparkFun Electronics
Would this be capable of sending motor position commands as well as receiving feedback such as motor temperature, encoder position, etc.

Any tips or advice would help on this one, first time implementing RS-485. The step / direction models do not provide encoder feedback, so forced to learn how to use this protocol.

Wish me luck!

You get a RS485 transceiver chip such as the SN75176 (don't waste money on a breakout, these
chips are readily available in DIP8). Then you need to feed it the correct signal (probably but not
always a standard serial bitstream).

You have a datasheet for that motor? Does it just need RS485 in, or does it try to report back?

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