Rs232 to max232 timing issue

Hi there,

long time lurker, first time poster (and probably in the wrong location).

I have an arduino uno connected to a max232 chip which is connected to a set of weighing scales for a digital readout.

I can get data from various baud rates, but all of them are 'unclear'. I have read various forums on the matter, but my limited understanding in it all has stumped me.

Is anyone able to direct me to a previous forum that can lead me in the right direction, or has any information that can help?

Thanks in advance,

Please show your exact circuit diagram. Only 2 stations can share a RS-232 connection.

The opposite side should have a defined baud rate. Do you have a manual for that device?

Post text output as text and code in code tags!

Can you expand on this. The screenshot you posted would suggest that you are receiving good data. I would hazard a guess that the data coming back also includes some unprintable characters.

The manual for the scales should detail the message format.

Hi, @railsification
Welcome to the forum.

Please read the post at the start of any forum , entitled "How to use this Forum".

This will help with advice on how to present your code and problems.

Thanks.. Tom... :grinning: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

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