RTC and Arduino wifi rev2

This is my first post on the forum so apologies if it's in the wrong place. Iam trying to use an Uno wifi rev2 to instrument my beehive. I would like to timestamp my measurements. Do I need to use a hardware rtc, or can I interrogate a Network time clock? I have read articles where other boards can access a NTC, but none quoting the Uno wifi rev2.
Many thanks for any advice

If You have a network clock available You can use it as the reference. Give us the large picture of Your project. Using a little RTC is much more easy then dealing with network stuff.

Thanks very much for the advice. I'll buy a DS3231.

Where are the measurements logged? Server? You could time stamp them there. Things like that, are why we should see the "big picture" mentioned above.

You meant NTP not NTC "negative temperature coefficient"

The UNO WiFi rev 2 can access a network time clock if you have wifi access, and also has an on-board hardware RTC with its own crystal oscillator, although I'm not sure how far you can power down the board with that still running, it does not have its own backup power source.

Hive instrumentation project
The objective is to create a solar powered instrumentation system that takes measurements of temperature and humidity and weight of the hive on a predefined basis and makes the results available either over a wifi network to a mobile phone, or via a mobile network.
Design and implementation
4 load cells feed into an hx711 a-to-d convertor and 2 DHT22s are used for internal and external temperature measurement.
Plan of Approach
• Build the load cell platform and prove integration with the Arduino (achieved)
• Integrate the DHT22 with the Arduino(achieved)
• Test with all 3 sensors(achieved)
• Implement webserver on Arduino
• Add a timestamp facility
• Build front end to allow wifi client to set timings of measurement, define push notifications and pinouts
• Build app to retrieve data from Arduino from a local wifi client
• Build email facility to send weekly data to remote account.

N.B. My IT skills whilst excellent in the 1980s have missed the internet era, so I am currently getting up to speed with webservers and more modern programming languages. I am from the C, Pascal Fortran Ada era.
My guess is that getting a RTC board is probably the least taxing solution.
Many thanks for all your help.

The only time you actually need an RTC is when you have local data storage and no other means of telling the time. You say nothing about the former and the latter is not the case.
Using NTP is not nearly as difficult as has been implied.

I don't know what memory is available to you in your particular Uno, but you may find that, if you want to use on board storage, it is not up to the job.

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