RTC_DS1307 Stops working when on power supply

So I have 5 small OLED's, a temperature sensor and an RTC all connected to my Arduino R3 and it works great when it's plugged into the computer. However, unplug the USB cable and plug in the round power supply, and it stops working. Plug the USB cable into the wall socket,or computer, and it all works again.

Is the little round power supply not producing 5v? Is it meant to be used for something else like only being supplementary power or something?

What exactly are you plugging into "the round power supply"? What voltage? How much current capacity? What polarity?

So I am plugging in a round connector that has a USB connector on the other end. So it "should" be getting the right voltage. But even if I plug the round plug into a wall charger, it still seems not to have enough power.

All the screens light up and the temp sensor works, just not the RTC.

So I don't think checking the voltage would do much given the cable simply takes whatever the USB gives it.

I could try a proper powered connector and see if that makes a difference though I don't see how it could

The barrel connector connection expects 7-12V, centre positive. I imagine your "USB connector on the other end" cable is only providing 5V if you're plugging it into a USB port. That's not enough.

Ah right! That makes a lot of sense. I mean, the end result will be an Arduino Nano anyway so it's not a "huge" problem but it did strike me as odd.

Thank you for the replies and answer. Very much appreciated.

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