RTC.now , relay

hello all, sorry for my bad english here.

My code :

if ((now.hour()>13 || (now.hour()==13 && now.minute() >=45)) && (now.hour()>13 || (now.hour()==13 && now.minute() >=55))) {
digitalWrite (relay1, HIGH);
} else {
digitalWrite (relay1,LOW);

this code works but i want a day too. i make this :

if ((now.day()==0  || (now.hour()==13 && now.minute() >=45)) && (now.day()==0  || (now.hour()==13 && now.minute() >=55)))

0 is for sunday
but it didn't works, some ideas ? thank you in advance :slight_smile:

Have you printed out now.day() to check that it is 0?