Your formula gives an interrupt every half second, not every second. In your program the LED toggles at every interrupt.
To get an interrupt every second, change the count value of 62449 in OCR1A
I changed the formula to show interrupt time rather than frequency. A more sophisticated program might calculate the counter value from a given frequency, automatically adjusting prescale values to get best resolution over some range of frequencies. I usually put comments to show how I arrived at count values in case I want to use the program for some other frequency at a later time.
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
// Global variable increments when Timer1 reaches count1
byte timerx;
const int LEDPIN = 13;
const unsigned int intTime = 1;
const unsigned int prescale = 256;
const unsigned long CPU = 16000000L;// F_CPU = 16 MHz
// For interrupt time = 1 sec, the LED goes high for one second
// and low for a second.
// For these values, count1 = 62499
// That is, the result fits in a 16-bit unsigned int, as it must.
// If you want higher frequency (interrupt time less
// than one second), use floating point math and round
// off to the nearest unsigned int. Also, you can decrease
// the prescale amount, to get better resolution at higher
// frequencies, but you must always keep the size so that
// count1 fits into a 16-bit integer.
// If you want a lower frequency, change the prescale
// to 1024 (Set bits CS12 and CS10 in TCCR1B.)
const unsigned int count1 = CPU * intTime / prescale - 1 ;
void setup()
digitalWrite(LEDPIN, HIGH);
//DDRB = (1 << 5); // Set LED on pin 13 as output
Serial.print("count1 = ");
// Disable interrupts while setting registers
// Make sure all is normal in TCCR1A
TCCR1A = 0;
// Configure timer 1 for CTC mode, prescale = 256
TCCR1B = (1 << WGM12) | (1<< CS12);
// Enable CTC Interrupt
TIMSK1 = (1 << OCIE1A);
// This determines output frequency
OCR1A = count1;
// Enable global interrupts
void loop()
static byte old_count;
if (timerx != old_count) {
old_count = timerx;
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.println(timerx, DEC);
//PORTB ^= (1 << 5); // Toggle the LED
digitalWrite(LEDPIN, 1-digitalRead(LEDPIN));
Output shows the millis() times when the loop sees a new value of timerx from the ISR:
count1 = 62499
14 1
1011 2
2012 3
3011 4
4012 5
5011 6
6011 7
7011 8
8011 9
9012 10
All these registries' initial value is 0x00, so i think that with my code...
It may be OK in your code if it is executed directly (without the Arduino initialization stuff), but in Arduino sketches, sometimes we discover that the startup code has, for some reason, put stuff in the registers that we don't want. Personally, I like to make sure that the timer registers contain exactly what I want them to have. I assume nothing.