RTClib problems - Ethernet w/SD card + OneWire + DallasTempurature

I'm using the following to build a temperature logger and, ultimately, controller.

  • Adruino UNO and software 1.0.4
  • Ethernet Shield with integrated SD card
  • Tiny RTC breakout board
  • OneWire DS18B20 temperature ICs
  • SanDisk 2GB micro SD card

To get everything running, I'm importing the following libraries.

#include <Wire.h>
#include "RTClib.h"
#include <OneWire.h>
#include <DallasTemperature.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Ethernet.h>
#include <Fat16.h>
#include <Fat16util.h>

The Arduino reads the sensors and if the temperature has changed, it logs the time and temperature reading to the 2GB micro SD card.

The good news is that when I monitor everything via the USB serial port "Serial Monitor" everything works as expected. I can see the updates via the serial monitor, the code is successfully logging the information to the SD card, and I can poll the device over the Ethernet and retrieve the current temperatures as JSON.

Sample from data stored on the SD card when everything is working and the Arduino is tethered to my computer via a USB cable

1376477404,2013-8-14 10:50:4,77.90,76.10,75.20
1376484172,2013-8-14 12:42:52,78.80,77.00,77.00
1376484711,2013-8-14 12:51:51,78.80,77.90,77.00
1376485722,2013-8-14 13:8:42,79.70,77.90,77.00
1376489582,2013-8-14 14:13:2,80.60,78.80,78.80

Now, the problem I'm having is that when I disconnect the USB cable from the Arduino, all hell breaks loose. To start with the RTC seems to start returning a spurious result, basically, I get a unix timestamp value of '2212184785' constantly, which isn't even a legal value.

It seems like the Ethernet library, the OneWire/Dallas Tempurature libraries are working, and the SD card library is working, but for some reason the values reported by the RTC are junk.

Here's what on the SD card if I boot the code without being tethered. The Unix Timestamp (first value) and the Date/Time (second value) are completely wrong and do not change from moment to moment.

2212184785,2165-165-165 165:165:85,82.40,80.60,59.90
2212184785,2165-165-165 165:165:85,82.40,80.60,62.60
2212184785,2165-165-165 165:165:85,82.40,80.60,64.40

The JSON from the Ethernet connection also reports this incorrect time, but does export the correct temperature values. And more importantly, shows that the Ethernet Lib continues to work:


I've tried compiling a version of the code with ALL calls to any Serial or Serial related functions commented out. This yields the same result, basically, the RTC doesn't seem to work. (It works if the USB cable is plugged in even though there's no serial connection. It doesn't work once the USB cable is untethered.)

I've got the RTC break out board plugged into the Analog Pins. A5 = SCL, A4 = SDA, A3 = HIGH = 5v power, A2 = LOW = Ground, A1 = BAT = Unused. See attached image.

Any ideas on why untethering from the USB would cause the TinyRTC breakout board and library to start returning crap values?
My suspicion is that it has something to do with the Wire Library and perhaps some interaction with the Ethernet Shield w/integrated SD card. ???

Attached is my code with all the calls to Serial stripped out.

When running the version ~with~ the Serial calls left in, I have free RAM of 563 bytes. (This is when Arduino is attached via USB to computer and all code is working correctly.)

temp_code_stripped.cpp (7.73 KB)

What provides power when you disconnect the USB?


I had a 5V power supply into the power barrel

Bumped it to 12V and now everything seems to work. (Will drop it to a 9V as soon as I find one to lower power dissipation..)


If you have a moment, can you explain why this is making a difference? I'm assuming that it's because the power inverter was reducing the voltage slightly from 5 to < 5. If you can confirm that would be great.

Thanks for your time.

Regulator ICs don't work well unless the input voltage is a tad higher than the regulated output voltage. Maybe a half or 1 volt higher. If it's a clean and accurate 5v supply you have, then you could connect to the Vin pin and supply the 5V that way, bypassing the regulator circuit.

Depending on the linear regulator they need up to 2V of overhead. The recommended minimum for the UNO is 7V. If you put 5V into the regulator you might be getting 3V out. Then that goes into a few 3.3V regulators and they might produce 2.5V if you are lucky.