Run DHT11 sensor off external battery

Hey there! Thanks in advance for who ever can help me.
I'm currently making a mini "Satellite sculpture" That displays tempature and humidity. With a mini 64x32 OLED i2c display.

OLED and Said sensor are connected to attiny85. But figured I would wanna save some Power.

Everything is working as I expected, long story short, I want the DHT11 to run off a external battery, seperate from the attiny85/OLED. but I'm just confused cause when I connect the positive and negative to the DHT11(Min, 3.3v Max, 5v.), nothing shows?

I'm sure theres more to it then that, but I just can't find anything online about it,and figured I should ask here instead, since everybody is usually pretty knowledgeable with this stuff! :slight_smile:

Have you got a common GND connection between the sensor power supply and the Arduino power supply ?

Haha thank you, it's actually attiny85. But that worked. :smiling_face_with_tear: I don't know why I didn't think of that before.

Why do you think that using a separate battery will save power ?

Well, I'm not a pro or anything, but I'm going to be powering the attiny85/OLED with a 5.5v capacitor/Lithium -ion2500mah battery pack. but with that DhT11 sensor, it just drains the capacitor to fast, so I figured I could just power that separately. I know it sounds dumb, and not "Right" but, it will work for now I think. Unless you got any other suggestions? :slight_smile: I'm happy to hear them!

The combined current consumption of the components will be the same whether they are all powered from the same source or from separate sources so you might just as well power them from the same source

What do you mean by "capacitor" in this case ?

Can you measure the current taken by the combined project and by each component ?

I was going to use a 5.5v 1F capacitor to power this little sculpture, and use the two 3v solar cells (Solar panels) to recharge said capacitor.

And currently DHT11 sensor is running at 3.2v. 64x32 I2C OLED is running at 3.8v and attiny85 is running at 4.8. I know, those are scary numbers :frowning:

Interestingly enough, with just attiny85 and OLED, it ran for a few hours (3-ish) on a 3.8v 1F capacitor. But, once I added the DHT11 sensor, it didn't last as long obviously haha

It would be interested to know how much current the DHT11 takes

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