Hi all,
How can run exe file from teensy SD card without open cmd or run?
Can i run exe file by framework?
Hi all,
How can run exe file from teensy SD card without open cmd or run?
Can i run exe file by framework?
How can run exe file from teensy SD card without open cmd or run?
You can't.
Can i run exe file by framework?
What does this mean?
I want to run exe file with c++ library through open process or thread, Can I do this?
can i copy file to internal hard disk(without open cmd)?
Look you will have to give more detail than just asking random questions. What code is running on the teensy? How are you communicating with it?
You need to get straight the relationship between what is running on your PC and what is on the micro. The only communication between the two is the serial port, that can't do the sort of things you ask without custom code on both ends.
Tanks for response,
I want to show one application when i plug the teensy device to the computer.
when i read document and forum posts, i sometimes saw users use c++ library (for example strcpy and ...).
I think to myself,I can run this application when plug teensy to the computer.
Your words are very mixed up and your meaning is not clear.
When a teensy is plugged in to a PC nothing runs automatically except the code on the teesey.
You might want to have a application on the PC look for a teensy to be plugged in, but I am stil not sure what you want to run and from where.
I want to run application form teensy SD adapter when , teensy plug in to computer.
For example when you plug WD(western digital) hard disk to computer, a WD application runs for get security code to unlock hard disk.
So you have to read my last reply.
This is not something that is easy to do.
I think youbdon't know enough about computers to do this, it will involve running your application in the background on your PCc waiting for it to be plugged in, or hacking you existing drivers.
I am work 7 years in IT Company :D.
I saw different example with teensy library, for example write and read file from teensy SD adapter, and i saw how to create connection from victim computer and how to download exe file and rum it with FTP from CMD.
I think we can write file and run file to the computer after plug teensy.
Now i can open cmd and run exe file from teensy SD card.
I am work 7 years in IT security Company :D.
I've been in IT (security) for over 20 years. What's your point?
I saw different example with teensy library, for example write and read file from teensy SD adapter, and i saw how to create connection from victim computer and how to download exe file and rum it with FTP from CMD.
Natively, it can not do that. As Mike pointed out, you need something running on the PC, waiting for the Arduino to get plugged in. You mentioned a hard drive as an example. That only works because your computer has drivers that are listening for a connection. Without those drivers, your hard drive will be a dead brick when you plug it in. I repeat, NATIVELY IT CAN NOT DO ANYTHING WITH THE COMPUTER. Emphasis on the word 'natively' or 'native'. If you don't know what that means, look it up.
I think we can write file and run file to the computer after plug teensy.
Now i can open cmd and run exe file from teensy SD card.
You go right ahead. After all, you have '7 years in IT security Company'. Start by writing your own Windows drivers that will listen for an Arduino device getting plugged in. Then write your own code for the AVR on the Arduino to interact with that driver and do whatever it is you want it to do, whether it's copying a file, or build you a house. When you accomplish that, let us know.
Thank you for your help, for the last question , Please help me for understand how strcpy function work in teensy?
Please help me for understand how strcpy function work in teensy?
Just like it does on the PC. You have access to the source code. Look it up yourself.
I saw different example with teensy library, for example write and read file from teensy SD adapter, and i saw how to create connection from victim computer and how to download exe file and rum it with FTP from CMD.
It sounds like you are trying to develop a thing that will automatically infect a computer with a virus when you plug it in.
Is that what you are up to?
Same question I asked on his/her other thread which remains unanswered.