I'm probably doing something wrong but I dunno what at this point.
I have 2 SD modules sharing power, ground, MOSI, MISO, and SCK, each with separate CS.
I want to be able to keep both open even if only 1 runs at a time.
With CD library you get an SDClass object instantiated for you, SD, that can handle 1 SD card.
So I made another that I called SD2. And I made 2 File objects so they'd each have their file info but I get the feeling either there's more or I went about this all wrong.
It runs. But it only sees the card on CS 10 even when I went and coded the CS pins to change.
There's primitive user i/o; d0 or d1 is supposed to select device, fwhoot makes the current file name whoot.txt, s## changes the state to ## where currently 2 checks for file exist and 3 opens file both using the current name and device except it always gets the same chip!
#include <SPI.h>
#include <SD.h>
#define CARD_0_CS 10
#define CARD_1_CS 9
SDClass SD2;
SDClass *sdcard = &SD;
#define BUFF_SIZE 512
byte buff[ BUFF_SIZE ];
byte *BP = buff;
int count = 0;
int numret = 0;
byte state = 0; // controls what operation is run
byte parstate = 0;
byte flag = 0; // general use True/False
byte B; // single byte buffer
char fname[ 14 ] = "text.txt";
File sdfile[ 2 ]; // File objects
byte CSpin = CARD_0_CS;
byte i = 0;
int readSerialNum( byte SB )
static int total;
if (( SB == ' ' ) || ( SB == 13 ) || ( SB == 10 ))
return total;
if (( SB < '0' ) || ( SB > '9' ))
total = 0; // initialize by SB == 0
return -1;
if ( total >= 3176 )
total = 0;
return -2;
total *= 10;
total += ( SB - '0' );
return 0;
void setup(void)
Serial.begin( 9600 );
pinMode( 10, OUTPUT );
digitalWrite( 10, LOW );
pinMode( 9, OUTPUT );
digitalWrite( 9, HIGH );
flag = SD.begin( CARD_0_CS ); // test if card is recognized
Serial.print( "Card 0 status " );
Serial.println( flag, DEC ); // show success as 1, fail as 0
flag = SD2.begin( CARD_1_CS ); // test if card is recognized
Serial.print( "Card 1 status " );
Serial.println( flag, DEC ); // show success as 1, fail as 0
Serial.println( "\nFinished\n" );
void loop(void)
switch ( state )
case 0 :
parstate = 0;
case 2 : // exists()
flag = sdcard->exists( fname );
if ( CSpin == 10 )
Serial.print( "Card 0 " );
Serial.print( "Card 1 " );
Serial.print( fname );
Serial.print( " exists? T/F " );
Serial.println( flag, DEC ); // show success as 1, fail as 0
state = 0;
case 3 : // open()
i = ( CSpin == 10 ) ? 0 : 1;
sdfile[ i ] = sdcard->open( fname, FILE_READ );
if ( CSpin == 10 )
Serial.print( "Card 0 " );
Serial.print( "Card 1 " );
Serial.print( fname );
Serial.print( " opens? T/F " );
Serial.println( flag, DEC ); // show success as 1, fail as 0
state = 0;
case 4 : // close()
if ( Serial.available())
state = 255;
B = Serial.read();
switch ( parstate )
case 0 :
switch ( B )
case 'd' : // set device
parstate = 3; // d for set device CS pin 4 or 5
case 'f' : // set filename
*fname = 0;
count = 0;
parstate = 2; // f for set file name, next get name
case 's' : // set state
readSerialNum( 0 );
parstate = 1; // s for set state, next get value
case 1 :
numret = readSerialNum( B );
if ( numret > 0 )
state = numret;
Serial.print( "\nState changed to " );
Serial.println( state, DEC );
parstate = 0;
else if ( numret == -1 )
Serial.println( "\nNon-numeric in number." );
state = 0;
else if ( numret == -2 )
Serial.println( "\nNumber too big." );
state = 0;
case 2 :
if (( B == ' ' ) || ( B == 13 ) || ( B == 10 ))
strcat( fname, ".txt" );
Serial.print( "\nFile name set to " );
Serial.println( fname );
state = 0;
else if ( count > 7 )
Serial.println( "\nFile name too long." );
state = 0;
fname[ count++ ] = B;
fname[ count ] = 0;
case 3 : // set device
if ( B == '0' )
sdcard = &SD;
CSpin = 10;
digitalWrite( 9, HIGH );
digitalWrite( 10, LOW );
Serial.println( "\ndevice set to 0, CS now 10" );
else if ( B == '1' )
sdcard = &SD2;
CSpin = 9;
digitalWrite( 10, HIGH );
digitalWrite( 9, LOW );
Serial.println( "\ndevice set to 1, CS now 9" );
state = 0;