Can any one plz help me i have to run 100 LEDs that i have to run using the arduino .The arduino has only 5 v from the analoge so how could i power up the LEDs with out losing the presise flashing rate and light intensity. the flashes are milli seconds appart.
I am growing algae for CO2 metigation using LEDs as light sourse.
dont know much electronics but can tinker and read if you point me in the right direction.
the LEDs are in serise right now and i am running 10 LEDs at present
From the analogue what?
With 100 LEDs you need some form of external power supply there is not enough current available from the arduino regulator or the USB.
There is lots of information you left out:-
How much current does each LED take?
the LEDs are in serise right now and i am running 10 LEDs at present
Do you want to keep them like this?
Do you want independent control of each LED?
Do you want to dim them or just turn on / off?
each LED uses 1.5 v
i need to run 100 LEDs
i need it to on and off at specific intervels
i mean the analog pin of the arduino
plz tell me if you need any other info