Basically I want to run 2 DHT22 sensors but they don't want to work together.
When I have them both connected, first one is working ok and the second one is not returning any data, not even invalid.
When I disconnect first one from board, the second one works fine.
This is how I connected them, don't mind the parts because I did not have dht22 parts in this program so I used anything with 4 pins.
I really cannot figure this out, just re-made everything, checked code, sensors, resistors, everything works well when connected alone, together still not working :/. Maybe voltage drops low after first sensor uses it?
//edit: just measured it, it's ok and pretty stable 3.3
a Photo of you setup (with connections clearly visible)
Your source code
It may be something you are overlooking (been there so many times myself)
first sensor is outside, signal is going trough normal twisted wire, about 2 meters maybe less, working well.
second sensor on the right will get temp inside and currently is not returning any data (sometimes is returning random values)
(6) Attentions to connection wires
The connection wires' quality will effect communication's quality and distance, high quality shielding-wire is recommended.
Na zewn.:
Temperatura: 9.90*C
Wilgotnosc: 80.10%
W pokoju:
Temperatura: 24.50 *C
Wilgotnosc: 51.20 %
Na dole w pokoju:
Temperatura: x*C
Wilgotnosc: x%
Temperature: 9.90 * C
Humidity: 80.10%
In the Room:
Temperature: 24.50 * C
Humidity: 51.20%
At the bottom of the room:
Temperature: x * C
Humidity: x%