Running a drone motor through an ESC

Hey guys, I am trying to run a drone motor through an ESC I have. (The esc is the "AfroESC 20A" Its manual is here:, however, I am having trouble understanding how to run it.
Based off of the manual, its speeds are determined by the range 1060 -1860 microseconds, and to arm it, you use less than 1060. Thus, I thought that a simple code would allow it to run by simply writing the speed in microseconds to it, yet when I run the following code, although the ESC does arm, the motor does not spin beyond a small jitter motion at the servo.writeMicroseconds(500) part. I am not certain what is wrong, so any help would be much appreciated!! Thank you!
Here is the code:

#include <Servo.h>

byte servoPin = 9;
Servo servo;

void setup() {
servo.writeMicroseconds(1054); // send "stop" signal to ESC, also this should arm it.
delay(1000); // delay to allow the ESC to recognize the stopped signal

void loop() {
int numberofsteps = 100;
int nextspeed;
for (int mystep = 0; mystep < numberofsteps; mystep++) //take 100 incraments from slowest speed to requested speed
nextspeed = 1064 + (1337 - 1064) * mystep / numberofsteps;
servo.writeMicroseconds(nextspeed);//set the motor speed (yet does nothing)
delay(1000 / numberofsteps);
servo.writeMicroseconds(1337); //supposidly should set the speed to run at, yet does nothing

What "drone motor"? How about a circuit diagram, showing in particular how you are powering the ESC/motor? How did you fix on 1337 microseconds maximum and why only a 10ms delay between speed changes ?

Try the setup with the Knob example program from the IDE or perhaps a simple program where in setup() you do the arming then just write a few different values e.g. 1200, 1500, 1800 microseconds to the ESC with delays between them. If there's no movement then it's likely that you have a power or wiring problem.


I would have thought the normal range for an aircraft esc would be 1000 to 2000.
If it were a car esc then 1500 would be stop, perhaps 2000 high and 1200 low.

I highly recommend using the knob servo tutorial to test out what the arming sequence is, and what range of microsecond values relate to 'stop' and 'full'.

Modify the knob tutorial code to serial.print the current microsecond value being written to the servo.