Running Motor only once

Hello everyone, I am an new to Arduino but really excited about it.

I have a problem that I have yet to figure out, I have a button "digitalRead(22)" that when something is put on top of it will initiate the code in the for loop, making the motor move a certain amount of rotations. What I need is that once pressed the code will only execute once and ignore any more reading of digitalRead(22) == LOW so that the motor won't keep moving. I only need it to read the value once the button is pressed and then after runt he code and ignore any other instances of it being low.

int servoPin = 9;
int servoPosition = 2000; // position in microseconds
int i=0;
void setup() {
pinMode(servoPin, OUTPUT);


void loop(){
if(digitalRead(22) == LOW)       //Button has been pressed
  for(i=0; i<31; i++)
digitalWrite(servoPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(servoPin, LOW);
delay(175); // wait 175 milliseconds  

what you need to read is not the button current state but the transition from HIGH state to LOW state, this can be done by storing the previous reading:

  byte buttonState = digitalRead(22);
  if((buttonState == LOW) && oldState == HIGH)       //Button has been pressed
    // execute action...
  oldState = buttonState;