Running motors at lower than the rated voltage

I just ordered a MITSUMI DC Mini-Motors M25N-2. Here's the datasheet.
motorav_m25n_2_e.pdf (94.4 KB)
I was thinking of running it at 7.4 V with a 2 cell Lipo. My question is keeping the lower performance at low voltage aside, will the motor even work at this voltage?

You might get lucky and it may rotate but it will not have any power. It will also suck a lot of current from your batteries. You can use a boost converter to get the voltage to what it requires. Realize as you increase the current from the batteries will also increase.

I have a 7.4 V 2500mAh battery so I hope that with the boost converter I can run for at least 10 min. Will there be any heat issues to go from 7.4 to 30V?

The datasheet tells you it's intended to work at 28-34V - so why would you choose that motor if you only have 7.4V??
It's not like there's a shortage of motors designed to work around 7.4V!

As others have said, it will probably turn - but at much less than the specified speed, and much less than the specified torque.

Yes - how much will depend on the converter you choose.

You'll be multiplying the voltage by about four - so, even if it's 100% efficient, you'll be taking four times the current from your battery.

Again, why not just choose a motor that's appropriately specified?

Thank you, I just received the motor and its not to my expectations as you pointed. I would have one more request. I am looking for capacitive encoders. What might be the model name for such encoders?

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