i'd like to be able to connect 2 LILYGO T-Koala ESP32s to my laptop at the same time. the problem is they both use com4
is there any way to make this work?
i'd like to be able to connect 2 LILYGO T-Koala ESP32s to my laptop at the same time. the problem is they both use com4
is there any way to make this work?
What happens when you plug in both? What OS?
Assuming IDE 1.8.something
Open 2 separate instances of the IDE instead of File/New from a single instance. Each instance can have its own COM port and board set
You might like to take a look at IDE 2.0.3 which does this automatically
without either plugged in, Tools->Port shows com6. when i plug an esp32 into the usb port on the left side of my laptop i get com4 & com6.
if i plugged an esp into rear USB port on the laptop, i would get the same choices. if i then plugged a 2nd esp32 into the port on the left, the choices would remain com4 & com6.
but because after doing this a few times, my laptop crashed with a blue screen
after rebooting i tried the same esp32 that wasn't recognized in the front USB port on the right side and i now see com5 as a choice. so i now have 3 choices with the IDE: com4, com5 & com 6
but it seems you can only open a single instance of the 2.0 IDE. but i can open the 1.8 IDE and use it
so i'm a bit confused about this limitations, but at least have an environment to work with
does what automatically?
When you do File/New you get a new instance of the IDE and can set the COM port and board independently of the instance already running
Have you actually tried running 2 instances of 1.8.x ?
[quote="UKHeliBob, post:5, topic:1067702"]
When you do File/New you get a new instance of the IDE and can set the COM port and board independently of the instance already running[/quote]
ok, i had tried clicking the desktop icon again (that didn't work)
but clicking the 1.8 desktop icon again opens a 2nd instance
File/New opening a new instance relates to 2.0 only
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