Hey All,
I'm building a project that can control lights over the internet.
Right now it is setup to control 8 led's over a webpage served by the arduino. (6 leds on the 6 analog pins, and 2 leds on the digi pins-8, and 7). There is also code that reads the corresponing port and says if it is on or off. The arduino pulls an IP address and controls the lights perfectly.
My problem is I can't add any more code. It seems like I am at an imaginary edge. I have other funtions commented out so that these base function can work, but if I uncomment even one of the other functions and upload the code, the board goes to sleep...its doesn't pull an IP address at all. If I try to add any more text(in char form to the html gui page, the gui begins to act wierd some items disapear completely.
No. But you can swap the contents of RAM with SD in a virtual memory scheme. Just don't expect anywhere near the speed out of your SD that your RAM (it's static RAM so also known as SRAM rather than the dynamic RAM, DRAM, in your PC) runs at. If you don't do much swapping it's not too bad.
And the Teensy++ chip has 8k bytes of SRAM, 128k Flash (program space) and 4k EEPROM; all 4x the UNO. Note however that the Teensy is a compatible board, there are some differences though you can use the Arduino IDE. http://www.pjrc.com/teensy/index.html
They are small and with pins they plug right into a breadboard.
The use of F there stops the runtime system from copying "hello world" from the Flash memory to RAM, thus saving the bytes that takes up. If you have quite a few strings that can save a lot of memory.