Newbie so I can't post more than once in 5 minutes and have to leave soon. Will finish when I get back.
So I am trying to make a Arduino smart-ish watch using an Arduino pro mini, the Adafruit Bluefruit nrf8001 and the Adafruit 128x64 OLED black/white display. I have successfully paired the watch with my iPhone and received Apple Notification Center Service messages on the watch, however memory is getting low (<25%). When I try to add the Adafruit OLED library, the memory used is over 125%, so it can't upload. I am wondering if anybody has been able to shrink the Adafruit library, and/or has suggestions on how to further shrink the code. I have never had low memory issues so I'm not sure where to start. The code can be found here: GitHub - joshness02/ArduinoSmartWatch: The code I have currently for an Arduino-based Smart Watch
Tiny monochrome screen, huh?
That's still 1024 bytes of RAM needed for a screen buffer, if you want speedy graphical output.
Text-only would require less RAM.
Thanks, do you know of a way to eliminate all other forms of graphics? I will try and add the code to GitHub, unable to post it here due to character limit :\
Sorry, but could you go into a little more detail on what "SSD1306Ascii.h" and "SSD1306AvrI2C" are? Does this need to be included in my main file? Or do I need to edit the Adafruit library?
U8G2 can work in a paged mode in which you only need 1/4th of the RAM. Renders stuff nicer as well
Also note that all your String magic is NOT counted for in RAM use indicated by the IDE/compiler... Also easy to make Swiss cheese of your memory with String magic. If you would use strings on the other hand (no capital).
So the SSD1306Ascii is working great on its own, however with my BLE code it does not work at all. I am using less than 70% memory (both storage and dynamic) with the Ascii library integrated, however if I initialize the display - the same way as in the (working) example - the program does not seem to run, there is no Serial output, and I don't see the bluetooth device on my iPhone. Any ideas on why this might be? I am using I2c the screen and SPI for the bluetooth module, so there shouldn't be any crosstalk between devices, correct? If this needs to be posted as a new question please let me know and I will do so.
In paged mode, for sure. As always a trade off. Not sure about speeds in full frame mode.
I am using less than 70% memory (both storage and dynamic) with the Ascii library integrated,
Note that 70% does only include global variables. Aka all variables in functions is added (or tried to) at run time. And we're not even talking about Strings....