Running two DC motors with motor shield

I need help getting this example code to run motors 3 and 4. I have read all over the page and just do not understand how to get it to run 2 motors forward.

Please help.

#include <AFMotor.h>

AF_DCMotor motor(2, MOTOR12_64KHZ); // create motor #2, 64KHz pwm

void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // set up Serial library at 9600 bps
Serial.println("Motor test!");

motor.setSpeed(200); // set the speed to 200/255

void loop() {
Serial.print("tick");; // turn it on going forward

Serial.print("tock");; // the other way

Serial.print("tack");; // stopped

AF_DCMotor motor(2, MOTOR12_64KHZ);

I'm sorry, I don't know this library, but I'm guessing that that "2" says you're not using either motor 3 or 4.

I have experience using this library. Each motor you want to control needs to have it's own "AF_DCMotor" line to initialize it, and then each motor will need to be controlled individually. Like so:

// you need this so you can use the adafruit motor shield library:
#include <AFMotor.h>

// this created our first motor (called "motor") on port 3 of the motorshield:
AF_DCMotor motor(3, MOTOR12_64KHZ);  

// we do it again, this time our second motor will be called "motor2" on port
// 4 of the motorshield:
AF_DCMotor motor2(4, MOTOR12_64KHZ);
// so now we have 2 motors called "motor" and "motor2"

void setup() {
 Serial.begin(9600);           // set up Serial library at 9600 bps
 Serial.println("Motor test!");
 // set the speed to 200 of 255 of "motor".  Note that 0 is stop,
 // 255 is full speed:

 // set the speed to 200 of 255 of "motor2":

void loop() {
 Serial.print("tick");;      // turn it on going forward;  // motor 2 goes forward as well

 Serial.print("tock");;     // the other way;  //again for motor 2
 Serial.print("tack");;      // stopped;  // command motor 2 to stop

You can run 4 motors, but you need to give them all different names as well as put them on different ports of the motor shield. Just define them like I did in the above examples. Also there is no reason to name your motors "motor" and "motor2" - they can be anything you want, such as "leftWheel" and "rightWheel" then you can issue commands like this:

//initialize the wheel on port 1, calling it leftWheel:
AF_DCMotor leftWheel(1, MOTOR12_64KHZ);

//then in the loop:;

I hope that clears it up a bit.

Thanks for the info i definitely understand the library allot more!

here is a video of my bot

I remember seeing before the tracks and wheels you are using for your robot but I don't remember where I've seen it - can you tell me where you got the tracks?


direct link to tracks and gear box

Tank tracks

Dual Motor gear box (crappy motors included get replacements from

that's right - thank you.

No problem :slight_smile: