I have the code working fine but when I introduce some SLEEP code into the routine to save power between samples the sketch starts producing corrupt output for the RunningAverage value (not the 'raw' value).... but only after it reaches the number of samples specified in RunningAverage valueRA(10); - before the 10th sample in this case, RunningAverage output is correct.
Wondering if anyone else has RunningAverage working OK with SLEEP code or can shed some light on what might be going wrong?
The code doesn't use millis, rather an RTC to produce an interupt to wake the processor. The board used is a WaspMote and the test code looks like this:
#include <WaspUtils.h>
#include "RunningAverage.h"
RunningAverage pressureRA(10);
const char* filename="data.csv";
float value_pressure = 0;
float avg_pressure = 0;
char aux_str[16];
int sample = 1;
void setup()
SensorAgr.setBoardMode(SENS_ON); // Set Agriculture board ON
SensorAgr.setSensorMode(SENS_ON, SENS_AGR_PRESSURE);
pressureRA.clr(); // explicitly start clean
while (!SD.isSD())
void loop()
SensorAgr.setBoardMode(SENS_ON); // It is necessary to re-initiate the power supply
SensorAgr.setSensorMode(SENS_ON, SENS_AGR_PRESSURE);
USB.begin(); // It is necessary to re-initiate the serial monitoring
//Sample the Pressure Sensor
value_pressure = SensorAgr.readValue(SENS_AGR_PRESSURE);
value_pressure = (value_pressure * 10.0155);
avg_pressure = pressureRA.avg();
// Log the Pressure Sensor
Utils.float2String(sample,aux_str, 0);
SD.append(filename, aux_str);
Utils.float2String(value_pressure,aux_str, 2);
SD.append(filename, aux_str);
Utils.float2String(avg_pressure,aux_str, 2);
SD.append(filename, aux_str);
USB.print("Sample: ");
USB.print("Pressure RAW: ");
USB.print("Pressure AVG: ");
sample ++;
The RA lib uses malloc(), you might change the lib to use a hard coded array in the constructor and remove the free() in the destructor.
(malloc should not interfere with sleep mode but you never know...)
Can you tell more about the value of the samples that you put into the class? Please Add this line ...
Looks like Utils.float2String() is going wonky at the same time the average is coming out zero. Looks like it might be a memory overwrite problem of some kind. Nothing I can see in the RunningAverage library or in your code so I would suspect the WaspUtils library.
How's your Spanish? (mine doesn't work :-).... wondering if you are able to spot any obvious issues in the float2String() function below:
00704 {
00706 boolean neg = false;
00708 if( fl<0 ){
00709 neg = true;
00710 fl*=-1;
00711 }
00713 float numeroFloat=fl; //variable local e la que guardo el float para no machacarlo
00714 //defino una cadena de enteros para guardar la parte entera en sentido ascendente. Es decir el indice 0
00715 int parteEntera[10];
00716 int cifra; //guardo temporalmente la cifra
00717 long numero=(long)numeroFloat;
00718 int size=0; //size nos da el numero de unidades del float: 1->decenas, 2->centenas etc. Asi sabemos el numero de cifras de la parte entera.
00720 while(1){
00721 size=size+1;
00722 cifra=numero%10;
00723 numero=numero/10;
00724 parteEntera[size-1]=cifra; //metemos en la cadena la cifra correspondiente
00725 if (numero==0){
00726 break;
00727 }
00728 }//while
00730 //procesamos la parte entera del FLOAT
00731 int indice=0;
00732 if( neg ){
00733 indice++;
00734 str[0]='-';
00735 }
00736 for (int i=size-1; i>=0; i--)
00737 { str[indice]=parteEntera[i]+'0'; //introduzco la cifra en ASCII dentro de la cadena str
00738 indice++;
00739 }
00741 //ahora introduzco la 'coma' o 'punto' dentro del String
00742 str[indice]=',';
00743 indice++;
00745 //ahora procesamos la parte decimal del FLOAT
00746 numeroFloat=(numeroFloat-(int)numeroFloat);
00747 for (int i=1; i<=N ; i++)
00748 {
00749 numeroFloat=numeroFloat*10;
00750 cifra= (long)numeroFloat;
00751 numeroFloat=numeroFloat-cifra;
00752 str[indice]=char(cifra)+48; //introduzco la cifra en ASCII dentro de la cadena str
00753 indice++;
00754 }
00755 }
Hi, The re-initializing is required after a SLEEP to start those services again - I tried omitting them but no joy. I'm not sure what I have done but the error is now slightly different - the averaged value is now slowly writing itself down to zero after the 10th sample (correctly written to SD also - see below.
robtillaart mentioned removing the malloc but I'm not sure what this does or how to do it?
The RA lib uses malloc(), you might change the lib to use a hard coded array in the constructor and remove the free() in the destructor.
(malloc should not interfere with sleep mode but you never know...)
What is remarkable is that the average drops, with approx 25 per step although the raw values give no reason for that. They are all somewhere around 1000. That could means that the internal values are overwritten somehow. Strange....
WaspMote uses USB.print rather than Serial.print which is making it difficult for me to print (f) & (_sum) to serial.... (Waspmote doesn't recognise Serial.begin etc and USB.print in the cpp files causes a compile error despite #include <WaspUtils.h>) is there another way I can expose these variables... ?
I'm wondering if I should give your function below a whirl to see if this improves things? Not sure how to use it for floats though?
long runningAverage(int M)
static int LM[10]; // LastMeasurements
static byte index = 0;
static long sum = 0;
static byte count = 0;
// keep sum updated to improve speed.
sum -= LM[index];
LM[index] = M;
sum += LM[index];
index = index % LMSIZE;
if (count < LMSIZE) count++;
return sum / count;
the floating point version of the library is at the bottom . Just replace the content of the files (optionally replace the malloc as suggested earlier)
Theory 1: the internal array is overwitten somehow.
Test: make a running average with different sizes e.g. 20, 15, 5 and 1 to see if the problem depends on the size of the internal array. Do you see patterns arise?
Theory 2: the values in RAM are lost during sleep as they don't get refreshed or so?
Test: dump the internals of the class before entering and recovering from sleepmode
Theory 3: some internal values of the RA class are optimized in registers that are cleared during sleepMode
Test: Make all vars from the RA class volatile to test this theory..
As is the case in this post I'm also working with a Waspmote. I like to include my own libraries to the compiler, as you did with that RunningAverage. I fully understand the code to be included in each file in both. H as in the. Cpp. The question is ... what steps I have to continue to include these two files in the IDE Waspmote? That is, within the IDE Waspmote, what are the directories that I have to enter and leave my files to compile when not of any problems and can have this code apart and accessible via the include command.