After Robin2's great suggestions to start with a SimpleTx/Rx program. I have had varied success.
My current set up is one Arduino Nano attached to a NRF24L01+PA+LNA with 8pin wireless socket adapter board (to ensure correct 3.3 voltage to RF24L01), acting as a Tx
My receiver is the exact same set up. I have both antenna modules running off 3x AA batteries. I have also wired the Adruino Nano's to run off the same set up, I seem to be getting sufficient power to all modules.
As per Robin's tutorial, I have performed the connection test for both arduino's connected to their respective RF24. No issues were detected.
I have now attempted the simple Tx, simple Rx programs with limited success. To be concise, I have not altered any of the code in either Tx or Rx program, other than clarify in the RF24 radio (Ce pin, Csn pin), that I am using pin 7 and pin 8 on the Arduino.
On the Tx, the serial port reads to me
"Data sent message n Acknowledge received" which suggests to me it is transmitting (n is number 0-9)
However, the Rx serial port just says "SimpleRx starting" with no other data.
I feel like I'm close to the answer, but I need a push to identify what my issue might be.
I will attach pictures to see if anyone can identify any physical issues. My email is if a direct discussion is more appropriate.
I can only get the Tx to give me the Acknowledge received message if the CE pin is in D9 on the board and the CSN pin is in D10. If it is in 7 and 8, like a number of the diagrams describe, the serial port tells me the Tx failed.
The NRF24 uses the SPI bus to communicate with the Arduino. This means that you cannot choose just any pins to connect it. You must use pins 11, 12 and 13 for MOSI, MISO and SCK but you can use any other unused digital pin for SS
@ordinarypomelo13, photos of hardware do not provide a reliable indication of connections. Please make a simple pencil drawing showing how YOU have everything connected and post a photo of the drawing. (If the connections are different for the Tx and Rx then make two drawings).
To be concise, I have not altered any of the code in either Tx or Rx program, other than clarify in the RF24 radio (Ce pin, Csn pin), that I am using pin 7 and pin 8 on the Arduino.
Just use the pins unchanged from my Tutorial until you get things working - don't add complication.
I believe the nano's 3.3v pin cannot provide enough current for an nRF24. You can easily check by powering the nRF24 from a pair of AA alkaline cells (3v) with the battery GND connected to the Arduino GND.
To be clear, I tried for ages just using your code, as is Robin. I thought possibly changing the values to what I was physically plugging them into might've unlocked it for me.
I hope my diagram is clear. Please let me know if I can clarify.
The Tx is wired to it's Rf24 the same as the Rx
I am using 5V on the Arduino because module PCB has a built in capacitor to get 3.3V to the Rf24 unit. I have tried the 3.3V pin with the same code and no success
I have connected the Rf24 straight to 2x AA batteries, powers up no worries
As I've tried to make clear in the diagram, I have tried the CE pin in D7 and D9 & CSN pin in D8 and D10 (based on advice from Robin2 and other online sketches)
I have had no luck with either combo, although the checkconnection sketch indicates both Arduino's are talking to their respective Rf24
The NRF24 uses the SPI bus to communicate with the Arduino. This means that you cannot choose just any pins to connect it. You must use pins 11, 12 and 13 for MOSI, MISO and SCK but you can use any other unused digital pin for SS
For sure! I hope my diagram demonstrates that I have been
To be clear, I tried for ages just using your code, as is Robin. I thought possibly changing the values to what I was physically plugging them into might've unlocked it for me.
Let's keep things simple. Make YOUR connections match my Tutorial. When you have it working, then you can experiment with other connections.
Your diagram is not easy to read. There is too much stuff in it. Just make a diagram for one Arduino and one nRF24.
I can't be sure but it seems as if you are getting the nRF24's 3.3v power from the nano - if so, see my Reply #3