Hi Guys i want to use an S type load cell CZL 301 S Type Loadcell | Buy Best CZL Loadcell Dealer Seegate Loadcell any suggestions what tyoe of amplifier should i use since its excitation voltage is 10-15V?
The datasheet says 9-12volt.
Load cell work AFAIK fine on lower excitation voltages, but maybe at a slightly reduced resolution. The HX711 is the go-to chip in the Arduino world. It uses an excitation voltage of 4.3volt.
Which Arduino are you going to use. 3.3volt-logic Arduinos need a special version of a HX711 board.
I am planning on using an UNO for now but i can switch to any microcontroller. I need the resolution because this is going to be a part of test rig for force measurements.
Only Sparkfun sells HX711 boards that work with both 3.3volt and 5volt-logic processors.
Any HX711 board works with the 5volt-logic Uno.