S/w emulation of 8x8/16x16/32x32 LED matrices

Hey folks,

I've written a Windows emulator of 8x8, 16x16, 32x32 LED matrices to allow me to develop C++ code to display stuff on them without the overhead of having to download to the Arduino each time (and I can play with the code while travelling). I'm using it to generate maze generation, scrolling/static display code.

It's fully commented and product-quality code (I used to write SQL Server for Microsoft).

Any interest in me blogging it and making it available? If so I'll polish it up, package it up and blog it for people to use.


Any interest in me blogging it and making it available?

There are loads of questions here about how to control LED matrices. I think any information would be useful. I vote for you doing it.

Yeah I vote for it too. It can be a right pain removing and adding LED matrices to the arduino just to remove it again to get back to another project.

I am interested!
