safe project

i'm trying to write/find a code that will work with my parts,cant find anything with my parts on the internet.(i'm new to arduino and too lazy to understand it). the lcd suppose to show the code you insert with the keypad and the motor suppose to turn 180 degrees when the user insert the correct password.


arduino uno

28BYJ-48 motor + ULN2003 driver (28BYJ-48 Stepper Motor and ULN2003 Driver Intro - YouTube)

keypad COM-08653

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I2C LCD DISPLAY ( VERSION 1)(with backpack interface labelled "A0 A1 A2")
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When you say "i'm new to arduino and too lazy to understand it" i will wish you good luck here.

If you don't even want to get a better understanding about the parts you have, it's going to be quite a struggle for you to obtain the result you want.

I would recommend buying a ready-made safe with electronics.

// Per.