sainsmart 2.4" TFT w/ touch + arduino mega 2560

Hi all,

I got a kit with a Sainsmart Mega 2560, 2.4" 240x320 TFT and a shield with SD card. This one:

i am using these libraries to try and display something..anything:

I am trying first with the demo code that comes with the libraries.

From the description of the kit, I get that the controller of the TFT is ILI9325 and i changed to the appropriate model in the code (actually..I tried almost all variants) but I still get nothing on the display, just a blank white screen.

I know there are some other posts regarding this shield+display but I found nothing useful in them.

Any ideas as to why it isn't working at all? I'm starting to think it might be defective...

Thank you.

I solved it on my own :smiley:
the problem was that on the shield there are selction jumpers for working with 3.3V or 5V. The TFT works only with 3.3V and it was getting 5V because all the jumpers were soldered..