its mostly the standard libraries. I downloaded the specific ones and included them in the IDE. The compiler doesn
t tell about missing files.
The class ArduinoOutStream is defined in Arduinostream.h and this is found by the compiler:
#include <SPI.h>
// SdFat lib from here :-
// https://github.com/greiman/SdFat/archive/master.zip
#include <SdFat.h>
//#include <SdStream.h>
#include <UTFT.h>
#include <ITDB02_Touch.h>
#include <UTFT_Buttons_ITDB.h>
#include <UTFT_SdRaw.h>
extern uint8_t SmallFont[];
extern uint8_t BigFont[];
#define SD_CHIP_SELECT 53 // SD chip select pin
// file system object
SdFat sd;
// print stream
ArduinoOutStream cout(Serial);
int wait = 2, pressed_button;
// Initialize display
// ------------------
// Set the pins to the correct ones for your development board
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// Standard Arduino Uno/2009 Shield : <display model>,19,18,17,16
// Standard Arduino Mega/Due shield : <display model>,38,39,40,41
// CTE TFT LCD/SD Shield for Arduino Due : <display model>,25,26,27,28
// Teensy 3.x TFT Test Board : <display model>,23,22, 3, 4
// ElecHouse TFT LCD/SD Shield for Arduino Due : <display model>,22,23,31,33
// Remember to change the model parameter to suit your display module!
UTFT myGLCD(SSD1289, 38, 39, 40, 41);
// Initialize touchscreen
// ----------------------
// Set the pins to the correct ones for your development board
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// Standard Arduino Uno/2009 Shield : 15,10,14, 9, 8
// Standard Arduino Mega/Due shield : 6, 5, 4, 3, 2
// CTE TFT LCD/SD Shield for Arduino Due : 6, 5, 4, 3, 2
// CTE TFT LCD/SD Shield for Arduino Due (JP10): 6, 5,32, 3, 2
// Teensy 3.x TFT Test Board : 26,31,27,28,29
// ElecHouse TFT LCD/SD Shield for Arduino Due : 25,26,27,29,30
ITDB02_Touch myTouch( 6, 5, 4, 3, 2);
UTFT_SdRaw myFiles(&myGLCD);
UTFT_Buttons myButtons(&myGLCD, &myTouch);
void setup()
// Open serial communications and wait for port to open:
while (!Serial) {
; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for Leonardo only
Serial.println(F("Initialising SD card..."));
bool mysd = 0;
// see if the card is present and can be initialized:
while (!mysd)
if (!sd.begin(SD_CHIP_SELECT, SPI_FULL_SPEED)) {
Serial.println(F("Card failed, or not present"));
mysd = 1;
Serial.println(F("Card initialised."));
Serial.println(F("Initialising LCD."));
int butskip = myButtons.addButton( 85, 219 , 70, 20, "Skip");
Serial.println(F("LCD initialised."));
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Wait for GPS screen or skip button
Serial.println(F("Initialising GPS."));
long mytime = millis();
myFiles.load(0, 0, 240, 240, "wait4gps.RAW", 1 , 1);
long mytime1 = millis() - mytime;
cout << F("Time to draw 240x240 raw ") << mytime1 << F(" ms") << endl;
while (wait == 2) {
pressed_button = myButtons.checkButtons();
if (pressed_button == butskip)
cout << F("Skip button detected (No GPS :( )\n");
wait = true;
char fname240[] = "SK45/SK400500.RAW";
mytime = millis();
myFiles.load(0, 0, 240, 240, fname240, 1);
mytime1 = millis() - mytime;
cout << F("Time to draw 240x240 raw (no extra buffer) (non inverted colour) ") << mytime1 << F(" ms") << endl;
mytime = millis();
myFiles.load(0, 0, 240, 240, fname240, 8, 1);
mytime1 = millis() - mytime;
cout << F("Time to draw 240x240 raw (8*buffer) (inverted colour) ") << mytime1 << F(" ms") << endl;
mytime = millis();
myFiles.pan(0, 0, 240, 240, 0, 0, 4040, 4040, "SK45/SK45.RAW");
mytime1 = millis() - mytime;
cout << F("Time to draw 240x240 portion from 4040x4040 raw image (non inverted colour) ") << mytime1 << F(" ms") << endl;
mytime = millis();
myFiles.pan(0, 0, 240, 240, 0, 0, 4040, 4040, "SK45/SK45.RAW", 1);
mytime1 = millis() - mytime;
cout << F("Time to draw 240x240 portion from 4040x4040 raw image (inverted colour) ") << mytime1 << F(" ms") << endl;
int xad, yad;
int tmpx = 0, tmpy = 0;
for (int yx = 0; yx < 6; yx++)
int xd = 0, yd = 0;
mytime = millis();
for (int z = 0 + (yx * 35); z < 35 + (yx * 35); z++)
tmpy = (z / 22);
tmpx = z - (tmpy * 22);
yad = (tmpy * 69) + 10;
xad = (tmpx * 108) + 44;
myFiles.pan(xd, yd, 42, 42, xad, yad, 2374, 696, "icons.raw");
xd += 42;
if (xd > 277)
xd = 0;
yd += 42;
mytime1 = millis();
cout << F("Time to draw 35 42x42 icons (") << (0 + (yx * 35)) << "-" << (34 + (yx * 35)) << F(") from 2374x696 image ") << (mytime1 - mytime) << F(" ms") << endl;
cout << F("Thanks for watching!") << endl;
myGLCD.print("Thanks for watching!", CENTER, 111);
void loop()
What I dont understand is - how can "cout" be an instance of a class, since it
s a standard function?
see also the Header file:
class ArduinoOutStream : public ostream {
/** constructor
* \param[in] pr Print object for this ArduinoOutStream.
explicit ArduinoOutStream(Print& pr) : m_pr(&pr) {}
* Internal do not use
* \param[in] c
void putch(char c) {
if (c == '\n') {
void putstr(const char* str) {
bool seekoff(off_type off, seekdir way) {
return false;
bool seekpos(pos_type pos) {
return false;
bool sync() {
return true;
pos_type tellpos() {
return 0;
/// @endcond
ArduinoOutStream() {}
Print* m_pr;
#endif // ArduinoStream_h
SdRaw_320x240.cpp (5.17 KB)
ArduinoStream.h (3.16 KB)