Saitek X-55 RHINO H.O.T.A.S

Hiya Arduino geeks,

Is there anyone who has hacked any PC Joystick? especially the Saitek X-55 RHINO H.O.T.A.S for a Wifi robot projects?
i bougt this Saitek X-55 RHINO H.O.T.A.S at a grage sale 2 months ago, and the guy told me that they did work, he said that he got disappointed and purchesed Thrustmaster Hotas Warthog Joystick insteed, so i paid 50 euro for them.
They have been on the shelf since i have got them, so i am asking kindly if there is anyone who has builded any kind of joystick project, could tell me how to program this for a robotic projects?
Thanks in advance

You can post a link to the hardware that you have. Or, you can expect people to guess and google. I wonder which would work better.

here is the link

So, that is a USB slave. So is the Arduino. Without a USB Master (Host) around, all that slaves do it sit around and drink beer.

To preserve the beer supply, you need a USB Host shield. You'll need to develop the USB driver to make use of that device. Probably not an impossible task, but not a beginner project, either.

thanks alot PaulS,
please keep talking, and leave the beer out of it ;D
yea its gona take me some time to finish the build, so what do i need more then a USB Host shield.
i own a 29k square feet land, i wanted to build a wifi robots to use it and send it out to scare invaders of the land.
I tho about hook my PC with a wireless router, and bridge it with the router on the robot, connect the IP Camera and Raspberry Pi and Xbox 360 Kinect sensor and so on or only the ip camera and a 2way audio video server, i tho about useing a arduino mega 2560.

A joystick is a spring-loaded pair of potentiometers with a stick. You can get them from Sparkfun and other places. Switches are dirt simple. Why go to the trouble of writing a USB driver, when reading two potentiometers and a few switches is so simple?

If every man could take the fat and ugly womans in the world today, we would not reduce some of the worlds problems. Fat ladies need love to!, you know!
We think with our eyes, and sees with our but* *oles, i guess the beauty seems to pull all us (the Men).
so yea the beauty of those joystick turned me in to the mad man.
:smiley: ;D

A joystick is a spring-loaded pair of potentiometers with a stick. You can get them from Sparkfun and other places. Switches are dirt simple. Why go to the trouble of writing a USB driver, when reading two potentiometers and a few switches is so simple?

How about this beloved Pauls, Joystick Potentiometer JH-D202X-R2/R4 Axis 10K?