Hi all,
Just wanted to share this as I couldn't find it on the forum.
For all those who want to access the SD card on the Yun from a Windows PC.
It's fairly easy to do.
Goto "advanced configuration panel" after logging onto the Yun.
Goto "System" "Software" and hit "Update lists".
In the" Filter: " field type samba and hit "Find package" button.
Goto "Available packages (samba) and click "Install"
Then goto "System" "Startup" and make sure samba is "Enabled"
When this is done you can reboot your yun and check by going back to "System" "Startup" if samba is "Enabled".
Samba is running now.
Now it is time to add your share and make sure the shared folder is writeable.
Therefore you need to edit a config file under Linux (Linino) so you need to make an SSH connection by using Putty tool (use Google to find and install the tool).
You also need to install nano (I find this an easy tool to edit files under Linux). To install this you can do the same as installing Samba (above) by replacing the search for samba by nano. after nano is installed no need to reboot.
Launch Putty and login with root and your Yun password.
Now edit the following file (will create a share for the 'arduino' folder on your SD card).
Type nano /etc/config/samba
If all OK you will see the below. You need to add the part in Bold.
config samba
option 'name' 'OpenWrt'
option 'workgroup' 'WORKGROUP'
option 'description' 'OpenWrt'
option 'homes' '1'
config 'sambashare'
** option 'name' 'arduino'**
** option 'path' 'mnt/sd/arduino'**
** option 'guest_ok' 'yes'**
Ones added press 'Ctrl' 'X' next 'Y' and 'Enter'. Now your configuration file is updated.
We are not done yet as we need to make a reference to the mounting point and add write rights to the folder on the SD card.
As the file system on the SD card is FAT we can't just change the rights using Linux command 'chmod' so we will have to fool Linux.
Go back to your browser where you have the "advanced configuration panel" still open.
Now goto "System" "Mount Points". In the middle of the screen you will see Mount Points. There you need to hit the "Add" button.
In the new screen you now have a tab called "General settings" and one called "Advanced Settings".
In the "General settings" you need to enter the following:
Device: /dev/sda1 (xxxx MB) (is a drop down)
Mount point: /mnt/sda1
Filesystem: vfat (is also a drop down)
Now go to the "Advanced Setting" tab and add:
Mount options: umask=000
This gives full read and write rights so no security!
leave the 2 other options 'UUID' and 'Label' blank.
Reboot your Yun and try to access from your Windows platform. Make sure your firewall (Windows or Anti-Virus tool allows NETBIOS).
I'm sure there is a more secure way to set this up but for what I need it it's OK as is.
I can now easily edit my PHP files on the SD card using notePad++.
Good sharing