SAMD21 Standalone Sound Player

Not sure if this is the right area for this query, so if a mod thinks it needs moving, I have no objection.

Is anyone familiar with the internals of the ArduinoSound library?

The reason I'm asking is that I have uploaded the WavePlayback tutorial sketch (

 This reads a wave file from an SD card and plays it using the I2S interface to
 a MAX98357 I2S Amp Breakout board.

 * Arduino/Genuino Zero, MKRZero or MKR1000 board
 * SD breakout or shield connected
 * MAX08357:
   * GND connected GND
   * VIN connected 5V
   * LRC connected to pin 0 (Zero) or pin 3 (MKR1000, MKRZero)
   * BCLK connected to pin 1 (Zero) or pin 2 (MKR1000, MKRZero)
   * DIN connected to pin 9 (Zero) or pin A6 (MKR1000, MKRZero)

 created 15 November 2016
 by Sandeep Mistry

#include <SD.h>
#include <ArduinoSound.h>

// filename of wave file to play
const char filename[] = "MUSIC.WAV";

// variable representing the Wave File
SDWaveFile waveFile;

void setup() {
  // Open serial communications and wait for port to open:
  while (!Serial) {
    ; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for native USB port only

  // setup the SD card, depending on your shield of breakout board
  // you may need to pass a pin number in begin for SS
  Serial.print("Initializing SD card...");
  if (!SD.begin()) {
    Serial.println("initialization failed!");
  Serial.println("initialization done.");

  // create a SDWaveFile
  waveFile = SDWaveFile(filename);

  // check if the WaveFile is valid
  if (!waveFile) {
    Serial.println("wave file is invalid!");
    while (1); // do nothing

  // print out some info. about the wave file
  Serial.print("Bits per sample = ");

  long channels = waveFile.channels();
  Serial.print("Channels = ");

  long sampleRate = waveFile.sampleRate();
  Serial.print("Sample rate = ");
  Serial.println(" Hz");

  long duration = waveFile.duration();
  Serial.print("Duration = ");
  Serial.println(" seconds");

  // adjust the playback volume

  // check if the I2S output can play the wave file
  if (!AudioOutI2S.canPlay(waveFile)) {
    Serial.println("unable to play wave file using I2S!");
    while (1); // do nothing

  // start playback
  Serial.println("starting playback");;

onto my MKRZero and it all works ok in conjunction with the MAX98357 I2S Amp Breakout board (despite the wiring errors illustrated!). I've even added buttons , various waveform choices and led effects, but now want to make my own standalone SAMD21 board with a MAX98357 audio chip. As the audio chip will be permanently hard-wired to the processor, its obviously important I ensure the sketch points to the correct pins!

So at last, we come to my question. What determined the use of the A6 (PA07), D1 (PA10) and D0 (PA11) pins in Sandeep Mistry's sketch? Is there a particular reason for using those pins and where are they defined - in the ArduinoSound library or elsewhere?

I know I can plan my proposed PCB to use those same pins - but I'd like to know if they can be changed.

EDIT: I notice in the I/O multiplexing table (Table 6-1) that the I/O pins mentioned above are I2SD(0), I2S/SCK(0) and I2S/FS(0) respectively, so I guess that must be relevant?

I think the answer to my question is contained within the built in I2S library - anyone any idea where I can find/read that library?

In general, searching for the library name usually leads to the source code.


I agree. That's why and how I was able to find that AudioOutI2S.h was included in the ArduinoSound library, and that AudioOutI2S uses the I2C library.

I don't know where to access the source code for the I2C library as it is built in to the IDE, or that's what the library manager reports. I've had a look through the ArduinoCore-samd / libraries / I2S source codes and realised I don't know enough about libraries to go fiddling with anything! I think I'll stick with the same pin allocations used in the original sketch I quoted :slight_smile:

Now all I have to do is to work out the best (read cheapest and most convenient) method for flashing the boot loader onto the chip. I know I can buy pre-bootloaded chips, but I don't know yet whether the company who are going to manufacture the board for me (haven't decided who yet) will be able to source them. I hope they can because that would simplify the board design!