SAMD21G Sleep Mode

for my Project I use the Adalogger M0 with a SAMD21.
I want to take temperature measurements every 10 minutes. Within this time, the microcontroller and all components should run in sleep mode. After the time has elapsed, new measured values are to be recorded. Furthermore, I would like to be able to interrupt the sleep mode by a button and make a measurement. I have looked at the data sheet of the Atmel SAMD, but I am not quite smart how to proceed. Which registers I have to change and how. Can anyone help with this?

Hi dennis_rchtr,

From what I've seen the SAMD21 power-saving modes appear to be limited!

You'd be better off looking at using an ESP32 that does have sleep modes which are ideal for battery / low-powered applications.

I use an ESP32 to collect Temperature, Humidity, Pressure, Battery voltage & Battery % charge every 600 seconds. During the ESP32 600-second Hibernation mode, power consumption is down within the region of 30uA
For this I'm using an Adafruit ESP32-S2 Feather with BME280 Sensor

Here is a link to an ESP32 project ESP32 Data Logging Temperature to MicroSD Card every 10 minutes.


This is a good idea, but the system is self-sufficient, and is not connected to a network. The SAMD can also be set to IDLE Sleep Mode (according to the data sheet). Therefore, I would like to use the Adalogger M0. For this I have already written the code so that all data is recorded and I can output an error code in case of initiation errors or measured value exceedances.

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