I downloaded the file on this page (Arduino Playground - GLCDks0108), which includes an example for the KS0108 LCD that I got from Adafruit (Graphic KS0108 LCD 128x64 + extras [white on blue] : ID 188 : $24.95 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits), but when I go to compile, I get errors that I don't know how to fix.
Here's the sample given.
* GLCDexample
* Basic test code for the Arduino KS0108 GLCD library.
* This code exercises a range of graphic functions supported
* by the library and is an example of its use.
* It also gives an indication of performance, showing the
* number of frames drawn per second.
#include <ks0108.h>
#include <Arial14.h> // font definitions
#include <SystemFont5x7.h>
unsigned long startMillis;
unsigned int loops = 0;
unsigned int iter = 0;
void setup(){
GLCD.Init(NON_INVERTED); // initialise the library, non inverted writes pixels onto a clear screen
introScreen(); // show some intro stuff
void introScreen(){
GLCD.SelectFont(Arial_14); // you can also make your own fonts, see playground for details
GLCD.GotoXY(20, 2);
GLCD.Puts("GLCD version 1.1");
GLCD.DrawRoundRect(16,0,99,18, 5, BLACK); // rounded rectangle around text area
GLCD.SelectFont(System5x7); // switch to fixed width system font
for(byte count=9; count >0; count--){ // do countdown
GLCD.CursorTo(0,1); // first column, seconds row (offset is from 0)
GLCD.PutChar(count + '0');
void showCharacters(){
byte line = 3; // start on the fourth line
for(byte c = 32; c <=127; c++){
if( (c-32) % 20 == 0)
GLCD.CursorTo(1,line++); // CursorTo is used for fixed width system font
void drawSpinner(byte pos, byte x, byte y) {
// this draws an object that appears to spin
switch(pos % 8) {
case 0 : GLCD.DrawLine( x, y-8, x, y+8, BLACK); break;
case 1 : GLCD.DrawLine( x+3, y-7, x-3, y+7, BLACK); break;
case 2 : GLCD.DrawLine( x+6, y-6, x-6, y+6, BLACK); break;
case 3 : GLCD.DrawLine( x+7, y-3, x-7, y+3, BLACK); break;
case 4 : GLCD.DrawLine( x+8, y, x-8, y, BLACK); break;
case 5 : GLCD.DrawLine( x+7, y+3, x-7, y-3, BLACK); break;
case 6 : GLCD.DrawLine( x+6, y+6, x-6, y-6, BLACK); break;
case 7 : GLCD.DrawLine( x+3, y+7, x-3, y-7, BLACK); break;
void loop(){ // run over and over again
iter = 0;
startMillis = millis();
while( millis() - startMillis < 1000){ // loop for one second
GLCD.DrawRect(0, 0, 64, 61, BLACK); // rectangle in left side of screen
GLCD.DrawRoundRect(68, 0, 58, 61, 5, BLACK); // rounded rectangle around text area
for(int i=0; i < 62; i += 4)
GLCD.DrawLine(1,1,63,i, BLACK); // draw lines from upper left down right side of rectangle
GLCD.DrawCircle(32,31,30,BLACK); // draw circle centered in the left side of screen
GLCD.FillRect(92,40,16,16, WHITE); // clear previous spinner position
drawSpinner(loops++,100,48); // draw new spinner position
//GLCD.FillRect(24,txtLINE3,14,14, WHITE); // clear text area that will be drawn below
GLCD.CursorTo(5,5); // locate curser for printing text
GLCD.PrintNumber(++iter); // print current iteration at the current cursor position
// display number of iterations in one second
GLCD.ClearScreen(); // clear the screen
GLCD.CursorTo(14,2); // positon cursor
GLCD.Puts("FPS= "); // print a text string
GLCD.PrintNumber(iter); // print a number
I am using the arduino mega (the latest version of this board).
Could someone please help me with a working sample?