Samsung and LG TV ir codes

I am trying to send ir codes to control tv (Samsung and LG) but couldn`t find any ir package for turning on and off, volume up and down, channel next and prev. Do you guys now any source where I can find ir packages? Thank you for your time in advance.

There used to be a good site called but the website has been down for some time now. All the codes from that site can be found on github now and Samsung TV is here

Another site is here

If that all fails then the IR codes I scanned from my Samsung TV (that I no longer have) are...

  IR Codes
  Samsung TV
  Power SAMSUNG 0xE0E09966  On Only
  Power SAMSUNG 0xE0E040BF  Toggle
  CH+   SAMSUNG 0xE0E048B7
  CH-   SAMSUNG 0xE0E008F7
  V+    SAMSUNG 0xE0E0E01F
  V-    SAMSUNG 0xE0E0D02F
  Mute  SAMSUNG 0xE0E0F00F
  0xE0E0F00F = Mute
  0xE0E0E01F = Vol+
  0xE0E0D02F = Vol-
  0xE0E0BE41 = TV
  0xE0E0A35C = HDMI4 (Android)
  0xE0E09966 = Power On
  0xE0E09768 = HDMI1
  0xE0E09669 = PC
  0xE0E07D82 = HDMI2 (Satellite)
  0xE0E0619E = Component
  0xE0E043BC = HDMI3 (Freeview)
  0xE0E040BF = Power Toggle
  0xE0E037C8 = AV
  0xE0E021DE = EXT1
  0xE0E019E6 = Power Off

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