Sanity Check - Pro Mini and Serial Monitor

Just after a sanity check!

Up to now ive played with Arduinos with on-board USB. Im now about to try out the Pro Mini, which of course uses an external USB-TTL converter.

Does the Serial Monitor function the same via this converter as for a normal direct on-board USB? It makes sense to me that it would, but would just like to check!


If DTR is also connected completely the same including reset.

If DTR is not connected you don't have autoreset (for example when you open the serial monitor or change the baud rate). The rest is still the same.

Cheers, that will do for me,

no DTR line on this, just the TxD and RxD lines available, but I can live with having to click a couple of times to restart the monitor.

You mean no DTR on your Serial-USB converter? Because your Pro Mini has one for sure.

On some USB-Serial converters the DTR isn't broken out but most chips do have it. I have bought some of those in the past and I modified them by soldering a wire directly to the DTR pin of the chip.

You mean no DTR on your Serial-USB converter? Because your Pro Mini has one for sure.

On some USB-Serial converters the DTR isn't broken out but most chips do have it. I have bought some of those in the pasted and I modified them by soldering a wire directly to the DTR pin of the chip.

Sorry, yes, no DTR break-out on the converter.

For the return, its not worth modifying

For the return, its not worth modifying

I agree! I have programed Arduino Pro Minis hundreds of times without DTR. Just hold the reset button on the board until you get a compiled message at the bottom of the IDE.

You get used to it really quickly. At this point of time, I'd say it's not worth the few extra bucks to get one with DTR.

Did the same in the beginning but got tired of it pretty quick.

But yeah, got tired of the old bootloader in the Pro Mini as well so I always swap it for Optiboot/Uno bootloader.