Save serial data

How is serial data saved in IDE version 2.3.2? Am I mistaken, or do I remember correctly that in the earlier version of the Arduino IDE the mouse cursor could be placed in the serial monitor window, select all, copy, & paste raw data into a spreadsheet for graphing, and other data modeling purposes. Please refer to any established discussions on the subject.

It's a glitch in the Arduino system, whether by accident, or by design. I am looking at that "SparkFun Qwiic OpenLog" as an alternative, to be ordered with the generic Uno board, and Quick cable. I have purchased from SparkFun before and I am confident in the technical assistance provided (if needed.) I posted, here, to make sure I am not missing something simple with the new IDE. Thanks for your interest, and please update your progress.

"Product improvement is the first stage of obsolescence." (anonymous)

you can go and use another terminal that really works (coolTerm, PuTTY, Tera Term, RealTerm, ...) or just the command line (depending on your OS) to collect the communication directly into a file.

I posted that in the hope that the OP might realize there was a place to post that particular question, and that they might have looked just a little bit further to find it. The post I quoted is on the first page in the IDE 2.0 forum, so it's not hard to find.

or install IDE 1.8.19 as well as IDE 2.x

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it seems to have more limitations than the IDE 1.8.19

Hi @UbuAnon. The Arduino IDE developers are tracking the need to support copying all the data from the Serial Monitor here:

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I just ordered a MKR Zero, with built-in micro SD card. Theoretically (at this point) sensor data can be printed to the sd card, and the sd data copied to my desktop for spreadsheet use. When the board arrives, and it is plugged in and working, I will go to the MKR Zero forum to ask for advice how to modify my sensor script to include logging data on the card. This feels like a better plan than trying to copy text data from the new version of the IDE. Thanks for all replies to my original topic. It helps!

But ignores many other possibilities, including receiving serial data directly on the analysis PC, using several methods mentioned.
But, YMMV.

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