saving issues

ok so my laptop has no battery (the one wouldent take a charge so i took it out and saved 3 lbs :slight_smile:
sometimes i am working on code and i click save so then i think it is saved and the program says so, HOWEVER sometimes i am in a rush so i just hit save then pull the plug when it says it is saved but it isent this has happened many times where i have written large ammounts of code like a hundred lines or so and it all just magically disappears, taken by the digital gnome

this is a really serious problem
an autosave feature would help too

there are two things here :
First you could be the victim of a bug in Arduino-0017 which ios fixed in Arduino-0018

And secondly (not arduino related) :

HOWEVER sometimes i am in a rush so i just hit save then pull the plug when it says it is saved

No modern Operating system allows you to pull the plug, you have to shut down the computer in the normal way otherwise you corrupt your data.

If you are in a hurry very often get that battery back into your laptop so you can send it into hibernate state.
