Hey guys, I'm trying to save the position of some dynamixels(servos, but they have their own microcontroller in them) for future use in a sd card.
This is my code. The error message is attached as a txt file because it's so big.
#include<BioloidController.h>// I tried erasing everything except the ax12 and bioloidcontroller libraries, didn't make a difference.
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#define POSES 10
#define SERVOS 10
BioloidController bioloid = BioloidController(1000000);
uint16_t Pypose[POSES][SERVOS];
int storePosition = 0;
void setup() {
void loop() {
void ReadPosition(uint16_t * Pypose []){
for(int i = 0; i < 11; i++){
Pypose[storePosition][i] = ax12GetRegister(i,AX_PRESENT_POSITION_L,2);
Things I've tried:
- reinstalled the BioloidController library (makes it easier to program the dynamixels(servos)
- Tried looking at the .cpp and .h files. Wasn't really able to do anything because of my knowledge of programming.
- completely reinstalled the arduino ide
- tried different program that used the bioloidcontroller library.
I have no idea what to do, it ALWAYS worked before. Any ideas what's wrong? Thanks.
P.S. I attached the library files in case they're needed.
ax12.cpp (7.03 KB)
ax12.h (5.89 KB)
BioloidController.cpp (6.44 KB)
BioloidController.h (4.33 KB)
Error Message.txt (9.93 KB)
keywords.txt (300 Bytes)