Hello, I have an ADXL345 device. Perform a scan to identify your address. During the scan, I got 0x53 and after a minute, the number went from 0x53 to 0x1D.
In the exercise, we use the following
Arduino IDE,
NODE-MCU-ESP8266 board.
ADXL345 sensor.
Connect cable from D1 to SCL and D2 to SDA
Code for scan taken from CODE
How is it possible for the sensor to change direction alone?
SDO/ALT ADDR - This pin can be used as MISO in SPI mode, but is more
commonly used as an optional bit in the I2C bus address. By default this pin is
pulled down, meaning it has a value of 0 at startup, which will results in an I2C
address of 0x53. If you set this pin high (to 3.3V), and reset, the I2C address will
be updated to 0x1D.