Scare crow - audible

The birds in my locality love to perch in the tree outside my front door and defecate all over my car. I want to bring this to a quick conclusion and my birdbrain idea is to hang a box in the tree containing a speaker, an MP3 player, a RTC together and two 18650 cells. Then I want to play baking dog recordings for 5 secs, twice every minute from 6am to 10am and maximise the time between recharging.

My idea is to use a DS3231 (RTC), which helps to minimise power usage in the long periods when not in use, to send 3.3V to a GPD2846A (MPS player). The power for both the RTC and MP£ will be supplied by the 18650's.

  1. Is this deranged or might it just work?

  2. If yes to the above how do I go about programming the RTC?

I do realise that, relatively, this is a very simplistic project but I assure you it's is very, very real.

Any assistance is most appreciated.

The birds will learn quickly that no danger is present. Make some place protecting Your car, a party tent or better. Don't waist Your time on this.

Crows are too smart to be scared off that easily but go ahead.
Here we had families of seagulls starting their concert that early. They were shot off and their nests cleared away.

Define "shot off"? :astonished:

A home made translation of a Swedish expression into English. Shoot off? Finish off by using weapons.
The town hunter loaded his shot gun or what ever weapon he used and after some Bangs the seagulls were done. Redoing the roofs and ventilation hoods made sure that no seagulls started building there.

Another thought. Will the neighbours of OP enjoy listening to an artificiel dog instead?

A home made translation of a Swedish expression into English. Shoot off? Finish off by using weapons.

English: "knocked off". :grinning:

Redoing the roofs and ventilation hoods made sure that no seagulls started building there.

Another thought. Will the neighbours of OP enjoy listening to an artificial dog instead?

As per Delta_G! :cold_sweat:

Okey, "knock off" but that doesn't tell how, by fist,sord, knives, by guns…..?
Yes, I missed Delta_G. Came up later to me.

The term 'scare crow' is generic and any such device does not apply exclusively to crows!

As the project is to run on low power and contained in a small container, it is most unlikely to reach anti-social levels. However the handy concept of volume control would, I'm sure, address this concern.

Put it next to my house and it will work exactly once.

+1 again! :grinning:

Here is another, similiar problem to solve.
The busses here in Sweden have outside loadspeakers telling what buss it is and where it's going every time the driver slows down at a buss stop, regardless there is any traveller waiting or not. The decibel of those speakers loudly ecoes between the houses next to the buss stop.
Shooting the busses won't work… Scare them away? No chance. Any suggestion?